von Montag 20.05. bis 27.05.2024

Unser Telefon ist daher in diesem Zeitraum nicht besetzt!

Bestellungen können Sie wie gewohnt

per Mail oder Fax an uns senden,

diese werden dann durch eine Notbesetzung zeitverzögert versendet.

Ab 28.05.24 steht Ihnen das gesamte Team wieder zur Verfügung.


Our office will not be staffed from 20th of may to 27th of may 2024.

From 28th of may the entire team will be at your disposal again.

NEW: Overview of our currently available watch straps

At this point we will gradually present the variety of straps for our watches - sorted by range. The range of different widths, colors, materials and lengths is impressive, so that this section will continue to be filled.

For a small additional fee, the strap that is actually intended for almost any of our watches can be exchanged for another.

We would be happy to quote the prices for the original Rolf Cremer watch straps on request.

26 mm